Will Nagle

BY Courtney Daye | Marc 16, 2022

Graduating from NBCC’s Financial Management program in 2020 due to unfortunate timing of the pandemic it wasn’t until 2021 that he entered his chosen field and started at Angus Miller in August of 2021 in our accounts department.  Will has a family history in the Insurance industry from his grandparents to aunts and now himself although Angus Miller being the first hands on experience he’s had in the field. When Will’s not hard at work you can find him in uptown Saint John “responsibly” taking in the local craft drinks and catching up with friends. Although his time at Angus Miller has been short he takes on each day’s new challenge with a positive attitude and a determined mindset to ensure everything flows smoothly behind the scenes.

Quick Contact

RECEPTION : 1-506-633-7000
UNDERWRITING : 1-800-222-9646
CLAIMS : 1-800-222-9718
EMAIL : info@angusmiller.nb.ca