Which e-mail address is best to use?

BY Meagan Ouellette | Nove 22, 2017

We have made some workflow adjustments to serve you faster and more efficiently.

New Applications and Quotes

Please email new applications and  quote requests to:

The mailboxes are monitored carefully by the entire underwriting team to ensure the fastest response times.


Either use 60/60 Plus*  phone service, or  email policy endorsements or general file correspondence to:

* Our  60/60 Plus endorsement service by phone is still our preferred approach for simple Personal Auto, Property, and Commercial Auto (IRCA) changes.


All Claims can be reported to:

We want to talk to you!   Please note that our entire Underwriting team is always available to speak to you to discuss a new risk, or to answer any questions you may have.      

Thank you for your support!

Quick Contact

RECEPTION : 1-506-633-7000
UNDERWRITING : 1-800-222-9646
CLAIMS : 1-800-222-9718
EMAIL : info@angusmiller.nb.ca